

Buy and sell all kinds of world currencies at the official rate of the Central Bank

Ghasr Travel Services Office
Ghasr Travel Services Office

Ghasr Travel Services Office

Organizing all kinds of domestic and foreign tours

Palace ceremonies
Palace ceremonies

Palace ceremonies

Professional staff, modern services, global standards

Conference Hall
Conference Hall

Conference Hall

Hotel conference and conference room, equipped with modern audio and video systems

Domestic stores
Domestic stores

Domestic stores

Domestic stores



Special taxi service for Qasr International Hotel

Palace Flower Arrangement
Palace Flower Arrangement

Palace Flower Arrangement

Professional staff, modern services, global standards

Palace Hairdresser's
Palace Hairdresser's

Palace Hairdresser's

Confidently leave your beauty in the hands of Iranian artists

Palace International Hotel facilities
Palace International Hotel facilities

Palace International Hotel facilities

IPTV system

IPTV system installed on your room, to watch Iranian TV channels and international channels, watch movies, listen to your favorite music, use the Internet, view your account and use dozens of other features of this system Benefit.